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My Old Cactus Garden

11 August 2009 No Comment

I’m finally making the time to upgrade this neglected site. DoYaDigIt was the first domain I bought and I always envisioned it to be a place to share my love of plants and gardening. Is ten years later better than never? I sure hope so.

As I upgrade this site I thought I’d take you on a journey of the evolution of my cactus garden. This photo is from September 2001, the cacti and succulents in this garden had been there for 4-5 years at that point. Looking out my window now I find it hard to imagine how all those exotic plants managed to squeeze into one garden. My old cactus garden. Cacti and succulents intermingled with other drought tolerant plants like sea side daisy. San Pedros mix with aloes and euphorbia.

My old cactus garden. Cacti and succulents intermingled

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