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Yucca Gloriosa

19 June 2010 No Comment

Yucca Gloriosa lives up to its name providing a glorious display of flowers for 5-6 months every year.

Yucca Gloriosa love room and can easily cover a circular area with a diameter of two metres.
Each mature plant has multiple flower heads each year, mine often have six or more spectacular flower spikes each year.

Yucca’s are easy to care for, they even thrive on total neglect and still flower each year.

Until the 29 June 2010 I’m selling a large magnificent Yucca Gloriosa on eBay. After that time if you’re interested in buying a mature plant or younger specimens then leave a comment on this post with what size and how many you want.

Yucca’s are amoung the easiest of plants to transplant. They don’t need a large root ball, but the more roots the better. Large yucca’s should be staked for the first six months to reduce the stress of transplanting and to support them properly in the desired position.

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