Home » Dracaena Draco

Flowering Dragon Trees (Dracaena Draco)

17 January 2011 3 Comments

BJ86 asked the following questions about Dracaena Draco’s (Dragon Tree’s) flowering.

The flower spikes have orange, green/orange seeds and are now drooping, as are the Dragon trees’ leaves.

  1. Should I cut the flower spikes off now & harvest seeds as ready?
  2. Do seeds need to shrivel before they are ready?
  3. Would succulent mix be appropriate to place seeds on?
  4. Will seeds cope with extreme heat (inside house on far end of kitchen is an east facing floor to ceiling curved glass wall & this is where I raise my other seedlings ie. “Desert Roses”
  5. Do I leave the leaves alone when I cut flower spike off?
  6. Do I need to cut flower spike off?

You don’t have to cut the flower spike your Dragon Tree. If you want your Dragon Tree to get on with branching then cut the flower spike off. If you don’t want the seeds you can do that as soon as possible and the plant will branch sooner. If you want the seeds then leave the flower spike on as long as possible, let as least some seeds go orange. Then cut the entire flower spike off and put it aside in one piece and let the seeds fall off naturally over time (months).

One you have your Dragon Tree seeds you can raise your own plants and around 70% or more of your seeds should sprout.

Plant your seeds under in good seed raising mix. Most commercial succulent mixes are rubbish, but would do to get seeds going. Treat as per any other seed.

The picture is of my original Draco. I moved it while it was flowering and then cut the spike off a month or so later as the leaves dropped and the plant struggled. I threw the flower spike behind some yucca’s and a year later or so was surprised to find some Draco seedlings there. I collected all the other silvery round seeds I could find and ended up with 73 plants.


  • BJ68 said:

    Thank you so very much for all the information.
    I’m going to let the flower spikes fall off naturally.
    Will collect seeds as ready before and after spike falls.
    I have some great pictures.
    If seeds go well, I will be overwhelmed by Dragon trees. (Both spikes look to have hundreds of seed berries).
    Will keep you posted as to how they go.
    Thanks again :)

  • Greg Clinch said:

    I’ve got a Dracena Draco in a pot – bought it about 2 yrs ago and now it has that spike with berries on it so I wondered what to do. So, if i cut off that bunch of berries will the tree start to grow those extra little ‘trunks’? Hope so as that’s the look I have wanted to acheive.

  • Not Kim Gordon (author) said:

    Hi Greg,
    You can either leave the flower spike on and let the berries ripen, or cut it off as close to the trunk as you can.
    Yes, it will now branch, forming multiple heads.
    If you want it to grow faster then plant it in the ground.

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