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Aloe Plicatilis and Ferox Flowering 2

4 February 2010 2 Comments

I’ve already posted a couple pictures of my Aloe Plicatilis and Aloe Ferox flowering, but as the Plicatilis, Fan Aloe, has now been moved I thought I’d commemorate it with another photo.

If you ever have to move plants this size then do you self a favour a hire from proper lifting gear. Five big guys could not budge my Fan Aloe, but that’s a story for another time.


  • Mason Kelly said:

    Hello, your plicatilis is quite possibly the most striking one I have seen! It’s trunk is just magnificent. I have read up on it’s move to a new location, did it make it? I would like to ask how old it is.

  • Not Kim Gordon (author) said:

    Hi Mason,
    I got this aloe as a single head aloe plant like commonly sold in 1990 and it was planted in the garden around 1996. It was moved to this spot in 2005 and has since been successfully moved again — that was a huge task!

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