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[21 Jan 2013 | No Comment | ]
Check out these butts

Two aloe butts worth checking out.
It’s Aloe Butt Day! So let’s celebrate with a couple pics of my two favourite aloes.
The top pic is a fan aloe (Aloe Plicatilis), it a massive old plant that has been moved around a lot.The other pic has an Aloe Ferox in the foreground with Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch or wooly torch) dominating a few cool cacti in he background.
Here’s some older pictures of the aloe’s flowering.


Aloe »

[18 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
August is Aloe Month

August is when many Aloes start flowering. Mine are budding up now. Aloe flowers are spectacular are long lasting. My local wattle birds love to feast on them.

First up is Aloe Ferox which has a massive glorious flower spike each year. This aloe now stands about ten feet tall.

Aloe, Succuluent »

[4 Feb 2010 | 2 Comments | ]
Aloe Plicatilis and Ferox Flowering 2

I’ve already posted a couple pictures of my Aloe Plicatilis and Aloe Ferox flowering, but as the Plicatilis, Fan Aloe, has now been moved I thought I’d commemorate it with another photo.
If you ever have to move plants this size then do you self a favour a hire from proper lifting gear. Five big guys could not budge my Fan Aloe, but that’s a story for another time.

Aloe »

[22 Jan 2010 | No Comment | ]
Help! Brains and Brawn needed

Help! Brains and brawn required to move this massive Aloe. I was being so careful preparing this Aloe to be moved three metres to its new home and then a moment of distraction and disaster struck. All those hours in the sandpit paid off big time for Reed as the Aloe slowly toppled. I hadn’t realised how good at undermining he had gotten. Give a boy a spade!
If you want to be part of this historic event, rescuing this fallen Aloe, come to my house this Saturday at 10.00am. …

Aloe »

[15 Sep 2009 | No Comment | ]
Aloe Plicatilis and Ferox Flowering

Early spring sees both aloe ferox and picatilis flower each year. The look magnificent when flowering and structural masterpieces all year round.

As promised here is a photo of one of the local Wattle Birds feating on the Aloe Ferox flower.

I’ve had both plants for around 18-20 years, since they were small pot size. They’ve been in their current spots for fours years now, you can transplant them very late in life. I don’t fertilizer either aloe, but they get a lot of Wattle Bird pooh as a spring fertilizer!
Here’s a picture …