Articles tagged with: Aloe
Agave, Aloe, Cactus, San Pedro »
Two aloe butts worth checking out.
It’s Aloe Butt Day! So let’s celebrate with a couple pics of my two favourite aloes.
The top pic is a fan aloe (Aloe Plicatilis), it a massive old plant that has been moved around a lot.The other pic has an Aloe Ferox in the foreground with Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch or wooly torch) dominating a few cool cacti in he background.
Here’s some older pictures of the aloe’s flowering.
Aloe »
Aloe, Succuluent »
I’ve already posted a couple pictures of my Aloe Plicatilis and Aloe Ferox flowering, but as the Plicatilis, Fan Aloe, has now been moved I thought I’d commemorate it with another photo.
If you ever have to move plants this size then do you self a favour a hire from proper lifting gear. Five big guys could not budge my Fan Aloe, but that’s a story for another time.
Aloe »
Help! Brains and brawn required to move this massive Aloe. I was being so careful preparing this Aloe to be moved three metres to its new home and then a moment of distraction and disaster struck. All those hours in the sandpit paid off big time for Reed as the Aloe slowly toppled. I hadn’t realised how good at undermining he had gotten. Give a boy a spade!
If you want to be part of this historic event, rescuing this fallen Aloe, come to my house this Saturday at 10.00am. …
Aloe »
Early spring sees both aloe ferox and picatilis flower each year. The look magnificent when flowering and structural masterpieces all year round.
As promised here is a photo of one of the local Wattle Birds feating on the Aloe Ferox flower.
I’ve had both plants for around 18-20 years, since they were small pot size. They’ve been in their current spots for fours years now, you can transplant them very late in life. I don’t fertilizer either aloe, but they get a lot of Wattle Bird pooh as a spring fertilizer!
Here’s a picture …