Articles tagged with: Ferox
Agave, Aloe, Cactus, San Pedro »
Two aloe butts worth checking out.
It’s Aloe Butt Day! So let’s celebrate with a couple pics of my two favourite aloes.
The top pic is a fan aloe (Aloe Plicatilis), it a massive old plant that has been moved around a lot.The other pic has an Aloe Ferox in the foreground with Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch or wooly torch) dominating a few cool cacti in he background.
Here’s some older pictures of the aloe’s flowering.
Aloe »
Early spring sees both aloe ferox and picatilis flower each year. The look magnificent when flowering and structural masterpieces all year round.
As promised here is a photo of one of the local Wattle Birds feating on the Aloe Ferox flower.
I’ve had both plants for around 18-20 years, since they were small pot size. They’ve been in their current spots for fours years now, you can transplant them very late in life. I don’t fertilizer either aloe, but they get a lot of Wattle Bird pooh as a spring fertilizer!
Here’s a picture …
Aloe, Succuluent »
Succuluent »
I thought I’d post these three pictures to celebrate the Aloe’s which are now flowering in my garden. These pictures are from mid September 2004, not long prior to the big move. The Aloe Ferox and Aloe Plicatilis, Fan Aloe, both flower at the same time.
Our local extended family of Wattle birds absolutely love this Aloe Ferox. Seeing them feast on it is a magnificent sight.
Can you imagine moving this entire cacti garden across your backyard and then half of it back again nine months later? I think I’ve got …